Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is Forex Confidante a Scam?

There are all sorts of Forex traders: there are small time traders who do this on occasion, and there are bigger home based traders who do this full time and make a living off it (or even a small fortune). But there are also institutional traders: banks and investment firms which work on a whole different level.

These institutions trade millions and billions of dollars each day and can actually make shifts in market prices. These are the Sharks while most private traders are the small fish they prey on.

What the Forex Confidante ebook by Thomas Strigano teaches is how to be able to follow the moves of the Sharks so that you can ride on the same waves that they make, capitalize on the market shifts they create, and make more money.

This is a method which has long been used in stock investment, but it's been harder to apply in Forex because the market works differently and much faster than the stock market.

Thomas Strigano, a former trader in a large financial institution and now a private trader, is exposing the same methods which institutional traders use in their day to day trading. What this gives you is the ability to work with the big traders and not be surprised by what they do.

The Forex Confidante ebook is a different sort of program that what we've become used to. Although Thomas Strigano teaches his trading methods, you don't get a mechanical system but you get a kind of knowledge that you've never had, a deep understanding of the forces that move the Forex market and how you can profit by following them.

The Forex Confidante ebook is a bit complex, so expect to spend some time reading it until you fully grasp the entire material. Also, you will be exposed to some unique trading methods which Thomas Strigano brought with him from the financial institution world.

Forex Confidante is not a scam. It's not a product that's right for everyone, because it is a bit complex and some people don't really want to learn Forex, just to do it.

However, if you want to develop a deeper understanding of what Forex trading is, I highly recommend this ebook. It may not make you a millionaire, but this is the kind of knowledge you will use for the rest of your trading life.

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